Unlock the Language of Innovators:

Discover German, the tongue that brought us Mozart, Einstein, and modern engineering marvels!

Language Guru

Language Fusion

Embrace Multilingual Mastery with Our Diverse Language Courses!

language guru

Director and co-founder.

Meet the Visionaries: Introducing Our Director and Co-founder Leading Language Innovation

Director and co-founder Bettina

Meet Bettina: Pioneering the Path to Language Excellence


As the Director and Co-founder of Language Guru, Bettina is not just a leader but a visionary on a mission. With a passion for languages that knows no bounds, she has set out to break down barriers and bring the beauty of the German language to the world.


Bettina’s journey began with a belief – a belief that language is more than just words; it’s a bridge connecting cultures, people, and opportunities. With her deep-rooted connection to the German language, she embarked on a quest to make language learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


Her innovative spirit and relentless dedication have shaped Language Guru into a platform that thrives on excellence. A native speaker herself, Bettina knows the nuances, the melodies, and the cultural tapestry that form the foundation of language. Through her guidance, students not only learn the mechanics but also absorb the essence of German – the very soul that gives it life.


Bettina’s commitment extends beyond the classroom. She envisions a world where language becomes a unifying force, opening doors to new friendships, enriching travels, and global collaborations. Her infectious enthusiasm has transformed learners into confident speakers, sparking a love for German that goes beyond the curriculum.


Join Bettina on this exhilarating journey of linguistic discovery. Whether you’re starting as a beginner or fine-tuning your fluency, her guidance will empower you to embrace German with open arms. Language learning becomes an adventure with Bettina as your guide – a journey not just through vocabulary and grammar, but through the heart and soul of a language that’s waiting to be explored.”


Language Proficiency Made

Easy: Expert Tips to Accelerate Your Language Learning Journey!

Excited to Start LEarning with us ?

Three Easy Steps to Begin Your German Language Journey!


Immerse Yourself in German Media

Start by immersing yourself in German media, such as movies, TV shows, podcasts, and music. Listening to native speakers will help you become familiar with the language’s sounds, intonation, and rhythm. Even if you don’t understand everything at first, exposure to the language is a crucial first step in language learning.


Learn Core Vocabulary and Phrases

Focus on learning core vocabulary and commonly used phrases in German. Begin with everyday words and expressions, as they form the basis of most conversations. Practice with flashcards, language apps, or language partners to reinforce your memory and build your language foundation.


Practice Speaking with Language Partners

Put your language skills into action by practicing speaking with native German speakers or language partners. Engage in simple conversations, role-plays, and language exchanges. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes; this is an essential part of the learning process. Speaking regularly will boost your confidence and fluency over time.

language guru

Our Guru's

Guided by Experts: Our Gurus are Native Speakers, Elevating Your Language Learning Experience

Your guru Ron-Peter Skólaude

Hi, everybody! I was born and raised in Vienna, the capitol city of Austria. So, the
guru you are looking at is 100% Austrian with German as his mother tongue. In
short, a true native German speaker ambitious in his activities to teach all of you
his profound skills so as to connect you to the German-speaking world.

I acquired initial experiences of private tutoring in my mid-twenties and set forth
on a journey of teaching which has made me part of to the biggest language
school found here in Austria, in which I have held classes to all kind of people,
from young children to the elderly. I have taught large groups and various types
of classes since 2015, and online teaching has become another skill set of mine
since 2020. I have always set myself high standards and endeavor to teach
people something interesting and useful that might help them get ahead. A good
knowledge of German might come in handy one day. You never know. At least
that’s something life has taught me…

You may not know that German is actually spoken in six European countries.
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein, have
German as their official language. In addition to those countries, German is
spoken all over the world thanks to globalization. So get ready to become one of
the people who manages to converse fluently with German speakers, and let me
be the one who builds bridges between your world and the German-speaking
countries in Europe and beyond.

2007 – 2009 Stay abroad in England, Ireland, Spain – Private German lessons to school
children and college students
2009 – 2015 Private English tuition to school children and high school students
2015 – present Teacher and tutor at the VHS for both German and English
(several local branches in Vienna, all levels from A1 to C1)

Our happy STUDENTS

We’ve helped thousands of people to Learn

Thrilled Clients, Successful Moves: Hear What Our Customers Have to Say!

Vikas Sankhla

Jaipur, India


“After struggling to find a suitable German language course, I stumbled upon Language Guru, and it turned out to be a game-changer! The interactive lessons and engaging exercises made learning German so much fun. The progress tracking feature kept me motivated, and the convenience of learning from home fit perfectly with my busy schedule. Thanks to Language Guru, I now feel confident conversing in German and can’t wait to put my language skills to use on my next trip to Germany!”

Marco Rossi

Milan, Italy


“I had always wanted to learn German, and Language Guru, made it possible even from Italy! The well-structured course and the helpful audio lessons significantly improved my pronunciation and listening comprehension. The combination of grammar explanations and real-life dialogues made learning German feel effortless. I’m grateful for the flexibility of online learning and thrilled with the progress I’ve made in such a short time!”

Sophie Müller

Berlin, Germany


“As a native German speaker, I wanted to brush up on my writing skills and grammar knowledge. Language Guru provided excellent resources, and the advanced level courses exceeded my expectations. The platform’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive content made it easy to focus on areas I wanted to improve. I highly recommend Language Guru to anyone looking to enhance their German language skills, whether they’re beginners or native speakers seeking to refine their language expertise!”

0 +
Years of Experience
0 /5
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Students Learning Currently

You ask, we answer

Welcome to our FAQ section, where we address common questions and provide clear answers about our language courses. At Language Guru, we take pride in offering high-quality language education, with a primary focus on teaching German.


However, we also provide a diverse range of other language courses to cater to our students’ diverse linguistic interests and needs. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your language skills, we are here to assist you in achieving your language learning goals.

A1: While our primary expertise is teaching German, we also offer a variety of other language courses. Currently, we provide courses in Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin, and English. Our team of experienced and native-speaking instructors ensures a rich and immersive language learning experience.

A2: We offer both online and in-person class formats for our language courses. Our online classes provide flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your home. In-person classes offer a traditional classroom experience, fostering interaction and face-to-face learning.

A3: Absolutely! Our language instructors are highly qualified, experienced, and native speakers of the languages they teach. They bring cultural insights and expertise to the classroom, making the learning process engaging and authentic.

A4: Our language courses cater to all proficiency levels, from absolute beginners to advanced speakers. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming to enhance your language skills further, we have the right course for you.

Need Help ?

Reach out to us today to start your language-learning journey or to learn more about how Language Guru can help you achieve your language goals.